
Stinging Nettle Wine Recipe (1-Gallon Batch)

Nettle wine is a delicious, and pleasent wine. It has refreshing citrus notes and a great mouth feel. The best thing about nettle wine is that it is super easy to make and really cheap. Please make sure to wear thick gloves when harvesting the nettles so that you do not get stung. Also pick the tips of the nettles as they are the sweetest and most flavourful part of the nettle. The recipe is as follows: 1 carrier bag of nettle tips 500g Raisins 1kg Sugar The juice of 1 grapefruit 1 cup of strong tea 1 pack of wine yeast Method: Place 3 tea bags into a mug. Add boiling water and leave to stew Rinse the nettle tips carefully to remove and prests that may be on them. Drain the nettles and place them in a saucepan. Add the raisins to the pan along with the sugar and the grapefruit juice. Add 2 litre of water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes Let the mixture cool then drain into a 1-gallon fermentation jug Add the mug of strong tea Then add the yeast Top